It Is Time
300 x 1300 cm

Permanent public installation comissioned by Prozis, Maia, PT.

Images: © Fábio Colaço. Installation view at Maia, PT.

“It Is Time” (2020) is a permanent public installation designed in the form of a neon.
Depending on the context and time of day it is read, the statement “it is time” gains new readings and meanings: a landscape caption, a commentary on the current situation, a changing reality, a dogma.
The fact that it is apparently unfinished, the lack of punctuation and the publicity character are elements that make the statement open to the interpretation of its ideological restlessness.
It can be visible every day, when it gets dark, when the neon turns on automatically through a sensor that reacts to sunlight.

The work was designed in close collaboration with Ferma Reclamos.

Address: Rua Eng. Frederico Ulrich, Maia