Trevum (Guia Astral)
“Guia Astral” magazine from January 2017
35 x 26 cm (magazine) / 40 x 31 cm (frame)

Historic: (2017) Solo Exhibition, “Trevum”, Museu das Artes, Sintra, PT.

Trevum (flyer)
Off-set print
15 x 10 cm (flyer) / 22 x 17 cm (frame)

Historic: (2017) Solo Exhibition, “Trevum”, Museu das Artes, Sintra, PT.

Image: © Fábio Colaço.

“Trevum” is a fake natural multivitaminic with no apparent form created by the artist, used to control the bad luck and life disconforts.
For a month, this product was advertised through different media. Part of this campaign was made through an advertisement legally published in Guia Astral, a well-known Portuguese magazine of astrology.